Introduction to the Generator II
Гүйцэтгэлийн шаардлагууд
10. Seal Oil System
The function of the seal oil system is to provide a regulated supply of oil to the Hydrogen Shaft Seals in order to prevent the hydrogen held within the alternator frame from passing through the same opening in the alternator frame through which the main alternator rotor shaft passes.
In carrying out its task the seal oil provides:
• A hydraulic force which tends to seat the face of the seal on the surface of the shaft;
• A fluid interface between the seal face and the shaft that prevents passage of the hydrogen to the outside air;
• A supply of lubricant to effectively reduce friction loss and wear of the mating seal and shaft surfaces;
• A coolant supply which removes heat generated within the seal and at the seal faces.
• A fluid interface between the seal face and the shaft that prevents passage of the hydrogen to the outside air;
• A supply of lubricant to effectively reduce friction loss and wear of the mating seal and shaft surfaces;
• A coolant supply which removes heat generated within the seal and at the seal faces.
The seal oil system should be placed in service before hydrogen is admitted to the alternator frame and must be retained in service until the frame is degassed to atmospheric conditions. The seal oil system should also be placed in service before the turbine/generator is rotated on barring gear.